Ep 1: Are You Ready to Be Done?

You are currently viewing Ep 1: Are You Ready to Be Done?

After almost losing his job and his marriage, entering outpatient treatment for addiction, and relapsing, Roland S. describes how he found redemption and lasting recovery within his MARR community. Roland discusses his journey to MARR with host Matt Shedd, and what his life has been like since.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Tim M

    Loved your honesty and genuineness.

    1. Anonymous

      appreciate your note Tim…hope all is well with you!

  2. Todd V.

    Great story telling Roland. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Elliott H.

    Well said, Roland! Well said, my friend!

  4. Tom M

    Roland, appreciate you sharing some of your story. I always value what you have to say. Many thanks,

  5. Willy S.

    Roland, I have followed your struggles and journey from the beginning. The transformation has been remarkable. You have shown and continue to demonstrate that by relinquishing the strong hold we had on our arrogance and ego; and instead accepting grace, humility and a principled life we can find joy and serenity. I have witness how your success has come not in the words we speak, but in the actions we take. Well said, and well done!

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