The biggest misconception about addiction is revealed

Despite continuous advancements being made in the addiction field, there is a common misconception about the disease: Many people believe that an addicted individual who undergoes treatment will emerge ‘fixed’ or cured. Unfortunately, many so-called experts in the industry support this fallacy. From self-help books, to rehab facilities, to erroneous websites, our society has been misled to believe that addiction is curable.

Addiction, while treatable, is a chronic condition with no known cure. Often characterized by cycles of relapse and remission, alcohol and drug addiction is considered a disease of the brain. Although substance use may begin voluntarily, the individual eventually loses control once addiction sets in. Progressive and fatal, most people need help to stop using and/or drinking.

Addiction Treatment: What’s the Point?
If addiction is incurable, you might be wondering why professional treatment is recommended and, in many cases, necessary. MARR emphasizes long-term residential treatment, because it takes time for an individual to break the cycle of addiction and develop new coping skills. Most addicts have been caught in the web of addiction for several months or years. Similarly, recovery doesn’t happen overnight — it’s a process.

Relapse is a very real threat to individuals in recovery. Because the disease has no cure, it takes continuous work to ensure lasting recovery. At MARR, therapeutic community and intensive therapy are the primary agents of change. Clients learn how to lead healthy, substance-free lives; use the tools of recovery on a daily basis; and set up a recovery network when they return home. The ultimate goal of treatment is to help the individual establish a firm foundation in recovery and attain a spiritual connection.

Spiritual Journey and the 12 Steps
In 1935, Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith founded Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) — a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Wilson and Smith based the program of AA on 12 steps, which emphasize the alcoholic’s need for a Power greater than himself and the importance of service work. More than 75 years later, the 12 Steps of AA, as well as the spiritual principles, have remained intact.

At MARR, we believe a spiritual connection is not just helpful for lasting recovery — it’s essential. Because our program is long-term (minimum of 90 days), we help clients through Steps 1, 2 and 3. At the time of graduation, the individual is ready to work on the ‘action’ steps (4 through 12) with his or her sponsor. Life in recovery is a spiritual journey, and we provide the foundation on which that journey begins.

The Good News
Addiction may be incurable, but recovery is certainly achievable. MARR educates clients on H.O.W. to maintain long-term sobriety — through Honesty, Open-Mindedness and Willingness. We witness lives being transformed every day. Once-desperate men and women find hope and healing; families are reunited after years of turmoil; and community members join together to offer their support. Recovery is a gift, and we consider it a great blessing to be a part of this remarkable process.