Individualized Treatment Plan

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Individualized Treatment Plan at MARR Addiction Treatment Centers

At MARR we develop an individualized treatment plan unique to each client. Although the disease of addiction has many common characteristics, each client comes to treatment with their specific history and clinical needs. 

The individualized treatment plan structures the client’s care around specific issues connected with and underlying their substance abuse.  The treatment plan then lays out goals and objectives for addressing each of these problems. This structured approach ensures that the clinical team’s interventions address the client’s core issues that have historically led to relapse. 

Psychosocial Assessment

One of the primary tools used to develop the individualized treatment plan is the psychosocial assessment. This is one of the first items we work on with a client when he or she comes to MARR. Using this evaluation, the primary counselor talks with the client and takes notes on his or her life history, family background, medical history, and history of substance abuse, among other things. 

From the psychosocial assessment, the clinical team works with the client to generate the list of problems that will be addressed during their time in treatment. Some examples are:

  • Inability to maintain sobriety
  • Inability to understand feelings
  • Inability to understand addiction
  • Relationship problems 
  • Spirituality problems 
  • Sexual trauma
  • Other forms of trauma 
  • Depression 
  • Anxiety 
  • Disordered eating

Implementing the Individualized Treatment Plan

For each problem listed in the treatment plan, there is also a stated goal for the client’s treatment. Aligning with that goal, the individualized treatment plan specifies objectives and plans of implementation. Writing these out ahead of time provides the clinical team a guide to ensure that the client’s core issues are addressed throughout their time at MARR. 

At the end of Phase I, the clinical team reviews the treatment plan with the client and assesses the progress that they see in meeting the client’s treatment goals. The treatment plan also serves as a point of reference for clinicians who interact with the client in the group or individual setting. Therapists leading groups or working with clients individually can use the treatment plan to ensure that the interventions they are using address the overall goals for the client’s stay in treatment.

Successfully and thoroughly addressing the issues that extend beyond substance abuse allows our clients to live a life of meaning and connection that they had not been capable of before treatment.


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