A Safe Place for Recovery

Safety First
A structured and safe setting is instrumental in recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism. At each of MARR’s addiction treatment centers, we strive to provide a relaxed and comfortable surrounding that allows clients to focus on their health and sobriety. Through gender-specific treatment during the day and a community environment in the evening, they receive comprehensive addiction treatment.
During active addiction, a person becomes dependent on particular ‘playgrounds’ and people. By eliminating familiar territory and placing him or her in a closely monitored and safe environment, the addict or alcoholic is able to concentrate on overcoming addiction. MARR’s high-quality addiction treatment centers are designed to provide each client with the opportunity to develop and utilize the tools necessary for lasting recovery.
Learning how to manage real-world situations and deal with uncomfortable feelings without drugs and alcohol are new concepts for the person struggling with addiction. Clients of our addiction treatment centers receive healthier coping skills so they are prepared for life after graduation. On behalf of MARR, welcome home — you are exactly where you need to be.